2.1 Introduction To Atheism
Atheism is the religious and/or philosophical position characterized by disbelief/non-belief in the existence of God, deities or supernatural entities.
2.1.1 The Definition of Atheism
Matthew James Baker writes in his thesis:
Etymologically, the word atheism is derived from ancient Greek and is comprised of three parts: the prefix “a” which means “without”, the root “theos” which means “god”, and the suffix “ism” which means “belief in”. Thus, atheism literally means “without a belief in a god.” This is noticeably different from the common everyday understanding of the word as “the belief that God does not exist” and many atheist writers have been quick to point this out. According to Dan Barker, co-president of the Freedom from Religion Foundation, “Basic atheism is not a belief. It is the lack of belief. There is a difference between believing there is no god and not believing there is a god—both are atheistic, though popular usage has ignored the latter” (1992, p. 99).
2.1.2 Positive versus Negative Atheism
Atheism can generally be divided into two types; Negative Atheists and Positive Atheists.
Negative Atheism is characterized by a LACK of belief in a god, e.g. "I don't really know if God exists (which technically means you do not believe in one); I never really cared if He exists."
Positive Atheism is characterized by a FIRM BELIEF in the inexistence of a god and a direct proposition and declaration that it is impossible for one to exist, e.g. "I firmly believe and say that it is impossible for God to exist."
2.1.3 Agnosticism
Agnosticism actually falls under the definition of an atheist, and is actually a more narrow term than Atheism. Agnostics fall under the Negative Atheist category.
Atheism and Agnosticism refer to two different things.
Atheism concerns the belief in God.
Agnosticism concerns whether or not a person has knowledge to back up their belief or non-belief in God.
Here is a diagram made by Matthew Baker (UsefulCharts on Youtube) below.
(Image taken from this video.)